
May 21, 2020
8:30 – 9:45 a.m.

Presentation: 2020 - The Year of Living Dangerously (Economically Speaking)

Dr. Chris Kuehl, Armada Corporate Intelligence

By all accounts 2020 is going to be a complex and challenging year. What will the trade and tariff war look like? Is there a real chance for a recession? What role will politics play as far as the economy is concerned and will it be another case of "It's the Economy - Stupid".



May 21, 2020
10:00 – 10:50 a.m.   

The Future of Credit

Yesinne Alvarez, Federation of Credit & Financial Professionals



May 21, 2020
11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.

UCC's 101 (Uniform Commercial Codes 101)

Jerry Bailey, NCS



May 21, 2020
1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Presentation: Bankruptcy Bootcamp

Lowenstein Sandler/Alvarez & Marsal/Olympus Peak Asset Management

As we head into an election year and amid forecasts of economic turbulence, we think bankruptcy navigation and creditor's rights would be relavant and useful topic. 

The program first focuses on the importance of understanding the papers filed at the beginning of the Chapter 11 case, the impact of the automatic stay that arises when bankruptcy is filed, and obtaining critical vendor protection. The Chapter 11 budget is the best tool to assess the risks of administrative insolvency, and the program will provide budgetary clues for making such an assessment. The speakers will then address the Chapter 11 claims process, how to asser claims and the defenses that can reduce recovery on claims. Next, the speakers will discuss critical case developments like asset sales and plan confirmation, and the financial analyses that relate to these important case milestones. Finally, the speakers will discuss the importance of creditors' committees in Chapter 11 cases, best practices for defending preference claims, and time permitting, the Chapter 11 disclosure statement and plan process.  



May 21, 2020

2:40 – 3:30 p.m.

Amazon Best Practices


The company’s operational compliance experts will be onsite to discuss Amazon chargebacks and shortages, the process for disputing and submitting open statements, root-cause analysis, and the benefits of operational compliance health reporting.



May 21, 2020

3:45 – 5:15 p.m.

Panel Discussion: Women in Credit & Finance

Moderator: Janine Friedman, Choice Training & Coaching Solutions

Panel Members: Lois Riemer, Riemer Reporting Service/Phyliss Blacknall-Jones, Benelli/Yesinne Alvarez, Federation of Credit & Financial Professionals/

                           Shawna Arneson, Precor Fitness/Kim Flaugher, Olin/Winchester

-All Genders Encouraged to Attend-

Learn tips and tricks to achieve success in your career from inspiring women at the top of their field. 





About Us

Founded in 1965, RiemerPlus, formerly Riemer Reporting Service, is the nation's largest independent company devoted exclusively to business credit network services. Read More